Yang, X.; Richter, M.

Package for Thermophysical Properties of Oils, Common Fluids, and Their Mixtures

IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 2024, 1322 (1), 012009. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/1322/1/012009


This work presents the first version of OilMixProp (short for oil mixture properties), which could be the first software package capable of calculating all the core thermophysical properties of fluids involving user-defined oils. Properties needed in thermodynamic cycle analysis are all included: density, phase equilibria, heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy, speed of sound, viscosity, and thermal conductivity. Approximately 632 pure fluids are available, and users can define their oil by determining its fluid constants using embedded fitting tools. Analogous to refpropm (Matlab interface of REFPROP 10.0), a function OilPropm is developed as the only interface for calculating thermophysical properties. Various input combinations (e.g., temperature and pressure, pressure and enthalpy, temperature and vapor fraction, etc.) are available to cater to the needs of thermodynamic cycle analysis. Sophisticated outputs are designed to deliver either complete information (phases and properties in each phase) or selected information about a fluid at the given condition. The package is written in Matlab and will be converted to other languages (e.g., C++) in the future.

Schlagwörter: OilMixProp 1.0, Software Package, Thermophysical Properties, Oils, Fluids, Mixtures


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